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We meet at New Moon time, to listen in to our inner guidance, to find our most authentic selves.

To Witness and be Witnessed


These circles are not tied to any single path or religion. Instead, they embrace inclusivity, bringing together women from diverse spiritual and cultural backgrounds. Our gatherings are centered around core values: Sisterhood (supporting and empowering each other), reverence for the Earth (embracing its wildness and learning from nature), and co-creation (acknowledging our role in shaping both our circle experiences and life on Earth). We are also known for our heartfelt connections, where laughter and tears flow freely.


Join us for a time of meditation, journaling, sharing, self-reflection, and food!


Each Circle has a theme to support us through our process

In this Cycle our theme is 

Honoring Those Who Came Before


Bring a cushion, your journal, any other creature comforts, and a food offering for after-circle


This is a brave space for all those who identify as Woman


This is a Wild Woman Project-affiliated Circle, part of an International network of Circles



New Moon Circle Dates

November 2rd 6pm
December 2nd 6pm
December 30th 6pm

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